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  • Writer's pictureMinion of Berk

Jungle of Despair - Daemons, Hollow Serpent & Kirin

Let’s look at some of the rares.

The Astradaemon with his neon blue pin-striping is a magnificent mini. Their organization is solitary (got that covered), pair or pack 3 - 6 (seriously?). Good luck tracking them down. A pack would be quite a handful to deal with.

Then there’s the Venom Daemon (Piscodaemon). While people may want more than one of him, I think the rare category allowed to make this creature much better than otherwise would have happened. I was impressed.

The Hollow Serpent was another creature I knew nothing about. But after a little research, they are a serpentfolk crafted undead creature made from skins of great snakes and necromancers! Oh, yeah, my sneeps just got a very cool pet. The mini looks awesome, and now I know why it is rare. And I can’t wait to unleash one on my unsuspecting party!

And last, a good guy. There was some earlier discussion about the plainess of him and the pale face with unpainted eyes. But getting him in hand showed me that he is detailed enough to warrant being a rare. That being said, the eys are indeed unpainted. A simple touch-up could take care of this, but I’d be afraid to do so because I could really mess up an otherwise fantastic mini.

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