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  • Writer's pictureMinion of Berk

Jungle of Despair - Qlippoth & Serpentfolk

Sorry for the delays, I actually have some more pics I just hadn’t posted yet. Life is happening and keeping me away from my hobby. Anyways, yes, let’s proceed with the Qlippoth.

I have to be honest, before the reveals for Jungle of Despair I hadn’t even heard of the Qlippoth. I’m a 3.5 D&D player who sees the value in many of the Pathfinder offerings (sometimes even more than from the D&D offerings), even though I usually stick to the 3.5 rule set. So, Yugolths, yes. Qlippoths? What the heck are they? I almost confused them with Cthuhu creatuers, except the look a little more alien. When they were revealed in this set, I wasn’t really terribly interested. However, when they started being unboxed, I have to say they are an impressive lot. I especially was drawn to the Infectious and Ravenous varieties. They definitely top out the creepy scale. I guess I’m in for a pound now, as I have a nice little warband started.

Lotzakroqin, you mentioned serpentfolk. Well, my Sneople army is swelling in ranks. I have a fondness for all my “Sneeps”, so I took lots of pictures. I really like all four offerings in Jungle of Despair.

This set would have been a good way to start collecting serpentfolk (yuan-ti, in my games) if you didn’t have any. But, both D&D and Pathfinder have found it fit to feed us a staedy diet of these guys over many sets.

Here’s what I got in my case. The Serpentfolk Hunter is probably the roughest of the bunch, but as a common archer that is fine by me.

The archers.

The clerics (and mystics).

The wizards.

And, for the first time, a rogue. And he’s ultra awesome with his hand cross-bow and sword.

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