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  • Writer's pictureorclord1

Monster Menagerie 3 - Bards & Kobolds

The two Human Bards were a bit strange. One has an electric guitar and the other a spiked chain.

After looking at all the other bards I could find in my collection, I realized that maybe I need to be less critical of the guitar, as there’s only one other mini that even comes close. In fact, I realize now how hard bard minis are to make. On top of your racial choice, you also have a plethora of instruments that might be picked up. Besides, I’m not so sure that one of the players who also plays Guitar Hero wouldn’t embrace the steel guitar look. The mini does also look as if she’s singing along with the music.

As for the kobolds, I say nom nom nom. You can never have enough.

I only had a single winged kobold before this set, so i’ll take all four that I got. After carefully scrutiny, I do think I like the Dragonwrought Kobold slightly better even though he is a bit drab in color. His wings won me over. Still, I’m happy to bolster my kobold air corp with the new guys.

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